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Медицинская литература. Новинки






вce журналы << Медицинская визуализация << 2005 год << №5 <<

Преимущества применения неионного рентгеноконтрастного средства Ультрависта в педиатрической рентгенохирургии и компьютерной томографии

Ю.А. Поляев, Н.Л. Шимановский
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
Российский государственный медицинский университет
Адрес для корреспонденции: Шимановский Николай Львович – тел.: (095) 416-91-06

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Advantages of Application of a Nonionic Radiopaque Agent Ultravist in Pediatric Endovascular Surgery and Computed Tomography

J.A. Poljaev, N.L. Shimanovsky

Today in pediatrics a contrast enhancement is widely used not only under traditional indications: urography, angiography, but it is more and more used in new fields – at Xray assisted endovascular interventions and computed tomography (CT). Intensive development and wide application of the achievements in medical practice of these advanced methods of diagnostics and treatment are inseparably linked with an elaboration and application of new iodine containing nonionic contrast agents. Application of Ultravist allows to fulfill endovascular interventions successfully, helping to resolve many clinical problems. In pediatrics an application of Ultravist yields the important advantages, concluding in the greatest contrasting ability (due to a high hydrophilicity among the nonionic contrast agents, used in Russia, the highest concentration of iodine – 370 mg/ml) in a combination with a convenience of injection (due to a low viscosity) and an excellent tolerance (due to a weak molecula coupling with biological membranes). A good local tolerance is especially important at children when vessels of a small diameter are investigated with the help of an angiography. In cases when repeated injections of a contrast agent are necessary, only a medication with good tolerance allows to perform an examination quickly with good results. In that case the good local tolerance reduces significantly a risk of endothelium’s damage and thrombosis. Ultravist meets all these demands due to its high total, local and vascular tolerance.


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