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Медицинская литература. Новинки






вce журналы << Медицинская визуализация << 2008 год << №5 <<

Компьютерная томография в дифференциальной диагностике диффузных поражений печени

Н.Н. Кизименко, Е.А. Хорова, В.В. Якуба, Е.А. Вологотова, З.А. Агаева
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
Кубанский медицинский институт, Краснодар
Адрес для корреспонденции: Кизименко Николай Николаевич – Тел. (861) 2455108. Email: kizimenko@pochta.ru

Ключевые слова:


CT in Differential Diagnostics of the Diffuse Liver Diseases

N.N. Kizimenko, E.A. Khorova, V.V. Yakuba, E.A. Vologotova, Z.A. Agaeva

Difficulties in differential diagnostics of diffuse liver disease from the point of view noticeably increasing amount of the patients suffering from this pathology earnestly demands a search for new highinformative technologies which would allow revealing the diseases on the early stage. There was suggested and approved the method of evaluation of the histology with a help of computed tomography, which allows evaluating liver parenchyma and determining the nature of its changes. The preliminary results, obtained from application this method let us clearly differentiating the form of cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc., which were evaluated as diffusive liver lesions.


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