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Медицинская литература. Новинки






вce журналы << Медицинская визуализация << 2007 год << №5 <<

Значение динамической МРТ с гадодиамидом для ранней диагностики рака предстательной железы

С.В. Китаев, К.А. Павленко, А.В. Кочин
Вы можете загрузить полный текст статьи в формате pdf
Клиническая больница № 6 Федерального медико-биологического агентства РФ, Москва
Адрес для корреспонденции: Китаев Сергей Вячеславович – тел: 8499-190-52-01; e-mail: sv_kitaev@yahoo.com.

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The Importance of Dynamic MRI with Omniscan for Early Diagnostics of a Prostate Cancer

S.V. Kitaev, K.A. Pavlenko, A.V. Kochin

The object of our study was a demonstration of our own experience of application of a dynamic MRI with contrast enhancement in diagnostics of localized forms of a prostate cancer. We examined 27 patients (mean age – 67 ± 8 years) with elevated serum PSA level. Dynamic MRI was performed on 1.5 T field strength (“Magnetom Symphony” – Siemens) scanner with CP flex body array in t1/flash/3D pulse sequence with bolus contrast enhancement by Omniscan (in standard dose – 0.2 ml/kg). Automatic subtraction of the post- and precontrast images was performed in “Syngo MR 2004” software (Siemens). Dynamic MRI was evaluated with the object to identifying of any enhancing focus in postcontrast scans. If such occurred a dynamic curve (time – intensity) was calculated. In all, at 27 patients there were identified 37 suspicious foci of contrast enhancement. These lesions were suggested to transrectal biopsy to be done carefully. After histological confirmation we made a retrospective analysis of our findings. Benign lesions (prostatitis and benign hyperplasia) were identified in 14 probes, adenocarcinoma – in 23. There were three types of the dynamic curves. Fist type (linear or persisted enhancement) was observed in 9 lesions, the second – early enhancement (in 1–2 min) with subsequent plateau – in 12 lesions, and the third – early enhancement (in 1–2 min) with subsequent washing out – in 16 lesions. Adenocarcinoma more often (14 cases) demonstrated the third type of the dynamic curves, that was confirmed by χ2 criteria (χ2 = 7.712, p less then 0,05). Sensitivity of the dynamic МRI in diagnostics of a prostate cancer made 95%, specificity – 86%, general accuracy – 92%. Our results could be a good ground for introduction of the dynamic MRI of a prostate in clinical practice for the purpose of more careful transrectal biopsy could be done from suspicious lesions.


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